Sir, Recently I bought Yamaha RX-V667 thinking that it has a multichannel input facility as I’ve only DVD Player (Philips DVP 5106K) with a multichannel output.
When I connect All Multichannel speakers to the receiver, the video pin remains to be inserted, I could not find suitable video input onto the receiver.
Through 5.1 sound comes fine but what about video through upscaling the receiver and the moment I switch my receiver to AV Mode naturally 5.1 sound stops and sounds only stereo.
Please help me how to connect all 5.1 with video together using RX-V667. Else I’ll lose great interest and money too.
Please help.

Comments for Connecting Yamaha RX-V667:
by: Prasad Joshi
I’ve newly purchased Yamaha RX-V667, found that my only DVD player without HDMI cannot pass 5.1 analog multichannel sound along with video together to the receiver. And, I’ve only Sony CRT television and not having HDTV.
So, I’m thinking if I purchase such DVD player with HDMI out, can my rxv667 send audio and video together means 5.1 out to the speaker and monitor out to my Sony CRT.
by: Paul (Site Editor)
I was just using HDMI as an example. In the multichannel settings, you can also select AV1 to AV6 as your source. So, connect your DVD video output into one of these inputs (component or composite) – and then select this input as your video source for multichannel audio.
Does this work?
All the best.
Still Doesn’t Work
by: Prasad Joshi
Sir, recently you said that it will work OK. I tried severally but could not get the audio while watching video through AV inputs. AV inputs together work fine only when audio (stereo RCA) along with Video is input into the respective sockets. My problem is that I want Video picture while listening to Multichannel settings of audio, which also means I don’t want fake 5.1 sound, but as my DVD DVP 5106k has an output of 5.1 (analog) with Video RCA. So after testing many settings, either I get sound or video only and not both together. What should I do?
Connection Problem
by: Paul (Site Editor)
Sorry that you can’t get it working. It seems quite clear from the manual that you can get multichannel audio with video if you make the changes I have suggested.
I suggest you contact Yamaha support and I’m sure they will be able to help you further.
All the best.
DVD connection to v667 and tv
by: Nick
I purchased a Yamaha v667 and since I am not that experienced I would like to ask the following. My DVD recorder is connected via HDMI to my Philips 46PFL9705. Do I need another (e.g. optical connection) to connect to v667 to get audio?
Thank you
Connecting RX-V667
by: Paul (Site Editor)
You could do it that way. However, the best way to wire an AV receiver is by connecting everything through the receiver.
Therefore, take the HDMI you have going into the TV, and put this into an HDMI input on the back of the Yamaha. This will send sound and picture to the AV receiver.
You then need a second HDMI cable from the Yamaha’s HDMI output to the TV.
Something like this:

My AV receiver guide may provide some more detailed help.
All the best.
Yamaha RX-V667
by: mickG63
I recently purchased a Yamaha RX-V667 AV receiver. I am new to these setups I was told when buying it the second zone works just by connecting to it but now I am told to run 2nd zone I need a second amp is this correct ..cheers
Zone 2
by: Paul (Site Editor)
You can do it either way.
Use the ‘zone 2 out’ stereo outputs on the rear if you are using another amplifier in zone 2.
Alternatively, there are extra speaker connections on the rear for Zone 2 or Presence Speakers (presence are extra speakers in a surround sound configuration). These outputs are amplified by the 667 and so just need connecting directly to some speakers with speaker cable.
Hope that helps.
About The Author
Paul started the Home Cinema Guide to help less-experienced users get the most out of today's audio-visual technology. He has been a sound, lighting and audio-visual engineer for around 20 years. At home, he has spent more time than is probably healthy installing, configuring, testing, de-rigging, fixing, tweaking, re-installing again (and sometimes using) various pieces of hi-fi and home cinema equipment. You can find out more here.
Don’t worry, it’ll work ok. You just need to tell the receiver which video source to use when playing multichannel audio – it defaults to no video source.
Just connect your DVD via HDMI (if it has HDMI). Then go to the ‘Input’ setup menu and find the multichannel audio option. From here you can set the video type to use while playing multichannel audio. Set it to HDMI 1 (or whichever connection you are using).
It’s a bit of a weird way of doing it, but you should be ok when you do this.
Have fun!
Paul (Site Editor)
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