Connecting Two AV Receivers to Power Speakers in Separate Room

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By: Dennis Weber (Savannah, GA)

How do I connect two AV units, so I can use one to play the same source material through two speakers in another room?

I’d love to find an answer.

Thanks in advance for your help.

​​​​​Comments for Connecting 2 AV Receivers:


Many modern AV receivers have the ability to power speakers in different rooms. This is often called Zone 2 (some have zone 3, 4 etc.).

The way this works can vary between receivers, and so you need to be clear as to what you want to do.

Some receivers have ‘pre-out’ outputs, which allow you to send a pre-amplified signal to another amplifier and speaker setup in the other room (often just a stereo amp and speakers – or sometimes multichannel).

Some amps allow you to use unused outputs (like the back left and right outputs for a 7.1 system), to power a separate stereo speaker system – and in this case, you wouldn’t even need an amplifier in the other room.

However, there may be limitations with some receivers. For example, some won’t send digital audio inputs to zone 2, just analog – or you may only be able to send a different source to zone 2 i.e. not the source that is on your main speakers.

As long as you check the capabilities of the model you are going to buy, then sending audio to a different zone can often be easily achieved using just one AV receiver.

All the best.

Paul (Site Editor)

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You missed his actual question
by: Jack Rcade

So the person wants to connect 2 receivers and asks how to do it. It’s like someone asking for directions to a shoe store and instead of being told that their shoes are fine.

Yes, there are times where you’ll be able to use one unit. Sometimes you will want a separate volume control in a different room. Sometimes you already have 2 units.

Possible answer;
The old school method is to use RCA line-level outputs. Basically, any audio jack except one for “phono” conforms to the same signal. Signal outputs come from audio recording device output ports on the receiver.

HDMI interconnect may also be possible.

With both of these systems, line length is limited. I’ve pushed line-level probably 40 feet and it “worked”. I’ve gone 50 ft with HDMI but never dealing with the audio component (it was just silent displays, scrolling images).

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About The Author

Paul started the Home Cinema Guide to help less-experienced users get the most out of today's audio-visual technology. He has been a sound, lighting and audio-visual engineer for around 20 years. At home, he has spent more time than is probably healthy installing, configuring, testing, de-rigging, fixing, tweaking, re-installing again (and sometimes using) various pieces of hi-fi and home cinema equipment. You can find out more here.

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