I recently purchased a Panasonic Home Theater In a Box, Model # SC-PT670.
I already have my DirecTV HD Satellite Receiver (Model # HR21-100) connected to my Samsung HD TV (Model # LN37B650) using an HDMI cable.
I’m having problems figuring out the right cables/connection ports to use to install the Home Theater System.
Any help would be appreciated.
Comments for Connecting Panasonic Home Theater & DirecTV HD Receiver:
by: Skeetr
Thanks Paul. That makes sense to me. I already have all the cables to do this.
I hear a noisy sound from home theater although TV is in low volume and even in mute status
by: Rami
Recently I bought Panasonic home theater 5 in 1. The guidelines are not clear.
I have plasma Panasonic Viera 42 inch and normal satellite receiver, so I bought an HDMI cable and connected it directly between the plasma and the DVD. Then the audio cables from receiver to DVD. I got a nice sound, but while in mute or low volume I hear a noisy sound like waves from home theater.
Are the connections wrong?
Please advise.
Sound issues
by: Paul (Site Editor)
It sounds like the interference may be coming from the 5.1 unit itself.
Try disconnecting all the cables and adding them one by one. You may be able to figure out what device is causing the sound.
Do you hear the sounds with no external devices connected to the receiver? Also, double-check all the cabling to the speakers.
Also, if you are using a 5.1 system for audio, make sure the volume on the TV speakers is turned right down. You may be hearing something from the TV speakers.
Hope that helps.
About The Author
Paul started the Home Cinema Guide to help less-experienced users get the most out of today's audio-visual technology. He has been a sound, lighting and audio-visual engineer for around 20 years. At home, he has spent more time than is probably healthy installing, configuring, testing, de-rigging, fixing, tweaking, re-installing again (and sometimes using) various pieces of hi-fi and home cinema equipment. You can find out more here.
You are currently sending both the picture and sound directly to the TV down the HDMI connection from the DirecTV box. Now however, the Panasonic Home Theater System will take the audio from the DirecTV box, and you can keep the HDMI connection directly to the TV for the picture.
In many cases, an AV receiver will take the picture and audio from an HDMI connection, and just pass the picture on to the TV.
Something like this:
However, your Panasonic system has less connectivity than a full AV receiver and so you will only be able to send the sound here. You do this by connecting an optical audio cable from your DirecTV box into the Panasonic (assuming your DirecTV box has an optical out – which it probably has).
Therefore, from DirecTV, you connect HDMI to the TV for the picture and optical audio cable into the Panasonic for the sound.
Something like this:
You then need another HDMI connection from the Panasonics HDMI output into a second HDMI on the back of your TV to send the picture for the built-in DVD (assuming your TV has more than one HDMI input).
Hope that helps.
Paul (Site Editor)
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